Villa Amaranta – Alquiler Chalet de lujo en Zahara de los Atunes – Cadiz


We would like to inform you about the house rules so that you can enjoy a pleasant stay in our Villa. For more information, please contact the villa manager.

Each guest is expected to follow the house rules.

  • Check-in is possible from 4:00 PM on the day of arrival and check-out is required before 10:00 AM on the day of departure.
  • All guests must present a valid government-issued photo ID at check-in to register with the local authorities.
  • Guests are responsible for keeping the accommodation clean and tidy during their stay.
  • Daily pool cleaning is provided by the host and guests are expected to adhere to pool safety warnings.
  • Guests are not permitted to enter the house wet after using the pool or the jacuzzi.
  • The host provides towels, bed linens, kitchen towels, toilet paper, toiletries, and other amenities.
  • Guests are responsible for taking care of their belongings and valuables left in the accommodation, as the host is not responsible for any loss or damage.
  • Guests are asked to turn off electrical appliances, close pipes and windows, and lock doors when leaving the house.
  • Umbrellas on the terrace must be closed during bad weather or before leaving the terrace.
  • The host will not be able to enter the rental unit when guests are absent, except in cases of potential damage or danger, in which case the host will inform guests with advance notice.
  • Pets are not allowed inside the Villa without supervision, nor on beds,  sofas or chairs. Any damage caused by pets will incur an additional charge.
  • Pets are also not allowed in the pool or hot tub, and any violation will incur an additional charge.
  • Pets are the owner’s responsibility for hygiene, and feces in the yard must be disposed of properly.
  • Serving pets in dishes intended for human use is strictly prohibited, and any violation will result in charges for new inventory.
  • Guests are not permitted to bring weapons, flammable or explosive substances, or items with strong odors.
  • Guests may use all appliances in the house, following proper instructions for use.
  • Using any equipment or device that not included in the amenities offered must be requested and approved by the host. This does not include personal hygiene products.
  • Smoking and lighting candles are strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the villa or in the jacuzzi. Smokers are asked to use the terrace and balconies and dispose of cigarette butts properly.
  • Open flames are not permitted outside of designated areas.
  • Moving furniture inside the unit or from inside to outside the villa is prohibited. This includes items such as chairs from the kitchen to the terrace, equipment for preparing and eating food, towels and blankets that are intended for use inside the villa and should not be brought into the pool or other outdoor areas.
  • Guests are kindly requested to take care of the villa, its furnishings and equipment, both indoors and outdoors.
  • We request that guests wear slippers inside the villa.
  • Only registered guests are allowed to stay overnight or spend the day at the villa and use the amenities provided.
  • If guests intend to be away for more than two days, they must inform the host in advance.
  • If any equipment or appliance malfunctions or breaks during the stay, guests are kindly requested to inform the host immediately, so that repairs can be made as soon as possible.

The house rules have been drawn up in accordance with the special customs of tourism.

Thank you for choosing Villa Amaranta for your holiday!

We wish you a pleasant stay!

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